Once inside, they decide to go back to the second floor. As they are walking up, Brenda who is at the front stops. Everyone else stops as well. While they are all standing still, they can hear what sounds like footsteps heading up at the top of the stairs. Brenda lifts up her digital camera and snaps two quick pictures. She reviews them, and in one, notices an orb that is just over half visible going around the landing to the hallway. She passes the camera back so the rest of the group could see the image. They are all shocked by what she captured. None of them have ever seen an orb “hiding” around a corner. William, after seeing the photo looks at Matthew and hands him the camera, “So all orbs are just dust or bugs hey Matt?” As Matthew was grabbing the camera off William, he looks at him, “That’s right. I’ve never seen an orb that (Matthew stops as he looks at the picture).” William finishes his sentence, “What? That peaks around a corner?” Matthew, “Ahh, yeah, well I guess there is such a thing as spirit orbs.” This statement intrigued the rest or the group and they couldn’t wait to get their chance to look at the picture if it could make Mr. Sceptic change his tune.
After everyone had a chance to view the photo, they handed the camera back to Brenda. As she slowly continued up the stairs, she motioned to Jessica to come closer. She whispered to Jessica that she wanted her to go ahead of everyone else and start another EVP session at the top of the stairs. Jessica agreed.
Jessica continues in front of the group to the top of the stairs. As everyone else stands still, Jessica begins the EVP session: “Is anyone here with us?” (Pause) “If you are here with us, can you tell us your name?” (Pause) “Are you afraid of us?” (Pause) “If you are here can you knock on the wall for us?” (Pause) “Please give us a sign that you are with us.” (Pause)
At this point, Brenda asks Jessica for the recorder and plugs her earphones into it to see if they caught anything. After a few moments, she smiles, removes her earphones from the recorder and pushes play. The group listens as one of the questions starts playing, “Are you afraid of us?” then a clear “No” is heard from the recorder in a female voice. Everyone is amazed of how clear the response is; as no one heard anything as they were listening to Jessica ask the questions.
They continue on to the second floor. As they are walking towards the end of the hall, a large bang is heard in the same room as before. This time as they enter the room, they are amazed to see the closet door wide open. William and Matthew are intrigued. Matthew asked William, “You’re positive you couldn’t open this door?” William scratches his head, “I’m positive. I couldn’t even budge it. It was like something was holding it closed because it wouldn’t even rattle.” Matthew tries catching whatever was in the room on the infrared camera, including in the closet. After not seeing anything on the LCD screen, he suggests Jessica and Brenda try an EVP session in this room while he and William take the rest of the group on a room to room search. Alexis’s just smiles at Matthew, “Look at you taking charge. Who would have expected the non-believer to be so gung ho about looking for ghosts?” Matthew looks over at her, “I’ve heard things today that make me question what I believe right now.”
Brenda and Jessica agree to stay and do the EVP session while the rest of the group does the room to room search for anything paranormal. As the rest of the group leaves the room, they start their session. Jessica pushed record and started: “Is anyone here with us?” Jessica paused like she usually did between questions. Not hearing the response she continued. “Please tell us your name.” (Pause) “Are you upset that we are in your home?” (Pause) “My name is Jessica, and this is my friend Brenda. We came here to talk to you.” (Pause) “Whoever answered my question earlier, would you like to give us a message?” (Pause) “Can you tell us what year this is?” (Pause)
Suddenly Brenda starts talking in a very stern voice: “What’s wrong, you scared of a couple girls?” (Pause) “Maybe I’ll just move into this house and take this as my own room. Would you like that?” (Pause) “You have to leave now; this is now my space you’re in.” (Pause) “If you’re not just some sissy spook, knock on the wall or the floor.” (Pause) “I you were real you’d do something like knock or close a door. At the very least a real ghost would answer me. Are you real?” (Pause)
After not getting an answer, Jessica looks at Brenda, “Wow, if I was a ghost I definitely would have given you an answer.” Brenda laughs, “Sometimes, when they don’t want to cooperate, you have to trick them.” Brenda listens to the recording but cannot make anything out. They decide to catch up to the rest of the group.
At the end of the hall, William suggests Matthew goes in first with the infrared camera, as the blinds are drawn closed in the room. Matthew agrees, and as he enters, Alexis is right behind him. He starts to pan across the old bedroom, and as he scans over the bed, Alexis notices something on the LCD screen, “What’s that on the bed?” Matthew scans back and notices a faint shape of an object lying on the bed, almost the size of a person. He motions to William to come have a look, and after seeing the image, he walks over to the bed with the EMF meter. As he is running the EMF meter over the side f the bed, he feels a sudden chill in his hand. At the same time he sees the meter jump up. Sarah decided to point the digital thermometer at the bed and recorded two very different temperatures between the two sides, by a difference of ten degrees. Sarah mentions this to the rest of the group. The others start to snap pictures of the bed. Just as mysteriously as it appeared, the EMF spike was gone and William no longer felt the chill. Matthew no longer could see any form on the bed either. As they were looking at their pictures, Jacob noticed a haze like cloud on the bed in front of where William was standing. He was just staring at the image, not saying a word, when Sarah walked up behind him and asked, “What’s that on the bed?” He slowly started to speak in a quiet voice, “I’m not sure. I have never seen anything like that before. You don’t think it’s a ghost, do you?” William walked up to Jacob to have a look, “It’s definitely something little man.” William passed the camera to Matthew, who looked at the image with Alexis, “You’ve caught your first ghost in a photo, bud!” Jacob just smiled like a kid on Christmas morning. After all the times he wanted to see a ghost, it looked like he actually got a photo of one. It wasn’t a clear definite outline of a human, but it was definitely something that was on the bed in front of William. Even though it was only a distorted area in the photo, Jacob couldn’t be prouder. Seeing the pride he had in what he captured, William and Matthew both congratulated him on it. Everyone else in the room realized what they were doing, and the too congratulated Jacob. This attention made Jacob feel six feet tall, as they turned and went back into the hallway to check the next room.
Having finished their unsuccessful EVP session, Brenda and Jessica were walking towards the end of the hall as the group was coming out of the room. “So what’s all the commotion about” inquired Brenda? Jacob didn’t say a word, he just grinned and handed Brenda the digital camera. Jessica noticed the rest of the group just smiled as they stood there with all eyes on Jacob. Jessica leaned towards Brenda to look at the photo as well. “What is that on the bed in front of William,” asked Jessica? Jacob looked at her and in a confident tone not usually heard from Jacob, he told Jessica, “That’s the ghost I caught.” Everyone was a little surprised by the confidence in Jacob’s voice. Jessica looked back at the photo, “Good catch Jacob. Did anyone else get a picture of it?” The group replied that they hadn’t. William mentioned about the chill he felt and the EMF spike, and Sarah told them about the temperature difference. As they looked at Matthew waiting for him to say if he found anything on the infrared camera, He just nodded, and then pointed to Jacob. Brenda and Jessica knew exactly what he was doing. This was Jacob’s moment, and Matthew didn’t want to make him feel like what he did wasn’t special.
As the group walked into the next room, Matthew hung back with Jessica and Brenda to show them the different color area on the bed. They we’re both very impressed. As they were entering the room, Jessica whispered to Matthew, “You’re a very good friend for what you did for Jacob back there.” Mathew just smiled as they entered the room. Since Matthew was usually paired up with Jacob on hunts the group would do, he has begun to feel like a big brother to him. He never told him this; he just felt that it was his job to watch out for Jacob.
As the group went from room to room, no other sounds were heard. There were no responses to the EVP sessions throughout the rest of the second floor. As they were nearing the stairs to head back to the main floor, they stopped on more time to see if they could hear anything. Unfortunately, the ghost decided not to cooperate, and the group descended the stairs back to the main floor.
While standing in the entrance way to the house, Brenda asked Samantha to show her where she had seen the man arguing with himself? Samantha led the group past the sitting room towards a smaller room, which was located next to the kitchen. On their way to the area, Brenda instructed Matthew and William to follow right behind Samantha and to start recording and checking for EMF’s as soon as she showed them the location. They worked their way to the front of the group and followed right behind Samantha. As she pointed to a small room that had an old table and chair in the corner, William and Matthew both started checking for anything paranormal. Although nothing showed up on the infrared camera, the EMF meter was a completely different story. As soon as William approached the table, the needle on the meter started jumping up and down. William called to Brenda who was just entering the room. Brenda walked over and looked at the meter. William's hand was still, but the needle was jumping back and forth. Brenda instructed the group to start taking pictures of the table and chairs. After they were done, Jessica decided to try an EVP session at the table. As she was asking her questions, no one heard any audible responses. Brenda listened with her earphones and could make out anything either. They moved on towards the kitchen. As they were walking away Samantha shouted, “Oh, my Goodness. I think I caught something.” She handed the camera to Brenda and in the photo was a large orb above the chair between Brenda and William. Brenda smiled at her, “Looks like you caught your ghost after all.” As the other group members were looking at the photo, Jessica was looking at the counter in the kitchen from the doorway. Brenda walked up to her and asked what was wrong? Jessica, still staring at the counter, replied “My dream from last night. There was something I forgot. Mrs. Johnson found a bag of gold in the wood that her husband missed. She was about to take it to him when a pot boiled and she put it down on that counter (pointing to the area she saw the gold). It’s weird, but I have a sense it might still be here.” Brenda whispered to Jessica, “Let’s keep it a secret for now. The group is very in tune with the ghost hunting, and I don’t want them distracted with the thought of possibly finding gold.” Jessica nodded.
As the rest of the group entered the kitchen, it seemed nobody sensed anything. They did a thorough sweep of the room, but nothing out of the ordinary was found. It was almost like it was the least active area of the house. They decided to head to the sitting room where they experienced the apparition of the traveller.
Matthew was holding the infrared camera and pointing it ahead of himself as he entered the sitting room. While he was walking he was glancing over at Alexis who just looked at him and smiled. While he was staring at Alexis, he didn’t notice the reddish orange image move across the LCD screen towards the window. As the group entered the sitting room, Brenda instructed them to take their time as this was the last room to search for the day.
William was checking where they saw the ghost before with the EMF meter. As he was slowly moving it around, Jessica walked up to him. “Is anything showing up yet? “Nothing,” said William, in a very disappointed tone. Matthew was having any luck on the infrared camera either, “This blows. I finally start opening my mind to the possibility of a real ghost, and he doesn’t even show up.” Sarah suddenly says, “Everyone take a picture where I am.” As the group starts flashing and recording, Sarah starts doing model poses like she’s at a photo shoot. Brenda looked at her and laughed, “Very cute. I guess that’s it for the ghost hunting. It’s always nice to leave the place on a happy note. We did manage to get some EVP’s, photos and videos, so at least it’s been a productive day.” Everyone agrees that the hunt was quite a success. Even though the traveller didn’t show up this time, other spirits seemed too. They also had the opportunity to use an infrared video camera, a digital thermometer, an EMF meter, and learned to check their EVP sessions right after doing them. Jessica also learned how to try to provoke a ghost when doing ant EVP session. All in all, it was a very productive hunt.